History: JB Priestley's Journey
Course details
Course code
Q00017738Course date
Number of classes
5 sessionsTimetable
Alan SimmondsFee range
How you'll learn
Billingshurst Community and Conference CRoman Way
RH14 9QW
Level of study
Entry Levels 1,2,3: If you have never studied this subject before and you’re not confident in your ̨Íåswag, Entry levels are a good starting point.
Level 1: Covers basic ̨Íåswag and knowledge needed for this subject
Level 2: Building on basic knowledge or experience. Similar to Grade 4/ C at GCSE or O level in England or Standards in Scotland.
Level 3: Learn about the topic in-depth and have a broad range of ̨Íåswag. Independent working Equivalent to an A level in England or Higher in Scotland.
Beginners: A perfect introduction if you have no experience and ̨Íåswag in this subject.
Improvers: The next step if you have basic ̨Íåswag or knowledge but want to progress them further.
Advanced: Build on the solid experience and ̨Íåswag you have in this subject, applying your ̨Íåswag and knowledge in a more complex way.
Course overview
Course description
By the 1930s, J.B. Priestley had emerged as a popular novelist, playwright, screenwriter, broadcaster and social commentator and perhaps the most widely-read writer of his day. He was a prolific best-selling author at a time when novels attracted a mass market. Priestley’s Yorkshire background was reflected in much of his fiction, notably in The Good Companions (1929), and Bright Day (1949). His output as an author and a playwright produced a continual flow of essays, reviews, biographies, film-scripts that attracted a broadly-based audience and Priestley’s series of radio talks on the BBC during the summer of 1940 were credited with strengthening civilian morale at a time of great crisis. Priestley’s brief career as a travel-writer and commentator was highlighted in his book English Journey (1934) which explored the diversity of regions and people across England, documenting economic and social diversity across the country at a time of great and fundamental shifts in English society, culture and attitudes. Priestley’s ‘English Journey’, is a personal account of his travels across the country in the 1930s and, as such, the aim of this course is to address the condition of England and English society and culture using Priestley’s book as our guide.
What financial support is available?
We don't want anything to stand in your way when it comes to bringing Adult learning within reach so if you need anything to support you to achieve your goals then speak to one of our education experts during your enrolment journey. Most of our courses are government funded but if you don't qualify or need alternative financial help to access them then let us know.
What other support is available?
All of our digital content, teaching and learning activities and assessments are designed to be accessible so if you need any additional support you can discuss this with the education experts during your enrolment journey and we will do all we can to make sure you have optimal access.